Life Lessons – Pictures or It Didn’t Happen

Today’s thought comes from something my grandpa told me constantly as I grew up and began to explore the world. It’s probably one of the best things I learned from him before he passed away last year.

So, life lesson #5:

Make sure you take plenty of pictures along your journey.

One of my favorite things to do when I was growing up with look through the stacks upon stacks of pictures various family members had. My grandpa’s were filled of family and memories that had started to fade. But my favorite pictures to go through were those he had taken while in the Army Reserves during Vietnam. He was stationed in Germany at the time and had countless pictures of castles, boats and monuments. I could point to one of him and his fellow soldiers and he would get a smile on his face, and launch into so many stories.

When I got older and started to have adventures of my own, he always would ask if I had my camera with me. “Take pictures of everything,” he would say. “That way you’ll always have something to remember.”

Whenever I would call him or go see him when I was home from college and I would tell about the adventures I had along the way, he would always ask me if I was taking pictures. I would nod and say, “Of course.” That piece of advice has always stuck by me, and even if I’m not out adventuring. It’s the reason I have over 3,000 pictures on Facebook and beyond that on my computer. I have so many scrapbooks from some of these adventures, and it’s impossible to know how many generic photo albums I would need if I decided to print them off.

Whether you’re traveling and seeing the world or gathering with friends and family, capture the moments you’re in. Take pictures, whether their glamorous shots of nature or candid moments that will hold a story for years to come. Record your moments, so that they can be passed down to the future of your family. It will become a great bonding experience when the time comes.

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